
Media performance -


PREMIERE - December 2022


Based on the novel by D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"

Our project is a modern, dramatic, exciting, multimedia journey accessible to all children, where every little viewer can influence the course of the plot. There are 16 options, and there is only one ending - a happy one. It is important to respect the opinion of your neighbor and move towards the goal together. This is what our performance teaches.

Children's interactive performance 16 in 1

Our actors answer questions from little viewers:

Friendship is when it’s not scary, and even if it’s scary, it’s interesting. Friendship is when it’s not sad, and even if it’s sad, it’s warm. Friendship is love without wings.
Pavel Fillipov
Friendship is not manifested by the number of phone conversations and daily correspondence. Friendship is when you fall to the bottom, then a friend jumps after you, and you climb to the top together.
Max Titov
Friendship is when you don't see a person for several years, but you know that if something happens, he or she will be there to help! Despite everything.
Alexey Vdovin

Festival Guides

Date to be announced

The spectacle before us was indeed sublime. The sky was cloudless and of a deep dark blue. The recorded voice scratched in the speaker. She stared through the window at the stars.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit elit, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, dapibus leo pulvinar.


Waking up one morning after a restless sleep, Gregor Samsa found that he had turned into a terrible insect in his bed.


Waking up one morning after a restless sleep, Gregor Samsa found that he had turned into a terrible insect in his bed.