Theater Without Date

Maxim Titov

Theater and film actor


Born on March 26, 2007 in St. Petersburg into a family of musicians.
From early childhood he devoted himself to music and stage.
In 2013 he made his debut on the stage of the Variety Theater. A. Raikin.
Next, he became a member of the Children's Musical Theater "Rainbow", under the direction of Marina Landa and Sergei Vasiliev (Smeshariki, Flying Animals and many others).
In 2014, he entered the Jazz Music School for a pop vocal and guitar class, as well as the “FantaZery” Variety Studio. Currently studying percussion instruments.
In 2015, together with his family, he took part in the “Two Voices” show on STS. He became a finalist in the show, taking an honorable fourth place and singing in a duet with Stas Piekha and Laima Vaikule.
2016 - Semi-finalist of the children's New Wave. Moscow.
Filming began in 2016.


In 2016, Max was casting for the troupe of the Theater for Young Spectators. Bryantsev in the musical play “The Canterville Ghost”.
2018 January - actor in the show “A HAUNTED HOUSE”.
2019 — WINNER of 2 prizes at the International Festival GENERATION NEXT, vocal (solo) nomination.
2019 — Musical play “The Secret of the Enchanted Book” Main role. BKZ Oktyabrsky.
2021 performance “Kashtanka 2020”. Dir. K. Ivanov.
2022 performance "RobinZon". Dir. Kirill Ivanov.

About yourself and the world

I want to create

about friendship:

Friendship is when your loved one is ready to come to you at any time if you feel bad or need help. It doesn’t matter how many friends you have at parties, those who can help in trouble are important

Friendship is not manifested by the number of phone conversations and daily correspondence. Friendship is if you fall to the bottom, then a friend jumps after you, and you climb to the top together

“A goose is not a pig’s friend.” I honestly don’t understand why people don’t believe in friendship between different statuses. After all, there is the most obvious example: these are our parents and grandparents. These are completely different statuses, they have lived longer and know more, but this does not prevent us from communicating with them and being truly friends, because our relatives are our best friends. You can be homeless, but so smart that scientists will want to talk to you. You may be a student, but so popular that all the teachers want to have contact with you. Anything is possible, you just have to try