Theater Without Date
Anton Lebedev
Magician, Illusionist
Born on September 27 in St. Petersburg, Kolpino.
Graduated from the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after V. I. Ulyanov, majoring in electromechanics and electromechanotronics.

About Me
While studying at school, he began to get interested in sword fencing and role-playing games, later, already at the university, he also took up Irish dancing, after graduating from university he gradually gave up dancing, and began to train and perform with a team of firemen, at the same time doing magic tricks and gradually starting to show them to the general public. Further from working with fire, I only had a number with swallowing fire, plus also a number with contact juggling.
About work
I work as an engineer. I come up with my own tricks, perform, consult, and correct malfunctions in trick devices.
I also collect magic tricks.
At the moment I am the only collector of exclusive magic tricks in Russia.

about the profession
Tricks, tricks - no, this is not an illusion of perception, this is MAGIC